The Aripuca thematic park

Vistas 921

It is an original and surprising option for nature lovers. With a height of 17 meters, this curious construction is made up of 28 pieces of wood weighing between 20 and 40 tons each, representing the most important native timber species in the area.

The purpose of this tourist atraction are:

  • Creating awareness of the natural resources,
  • Encouraging the prevention and promotion of the environment
  • Spreading the local culture, beliefs and traditions.

It was built using recovered trees inspired on a typical Guarani trap. It’s an example of how civilization itself can become a trap for the human being, regarding the lack of environmental care.

The original aboriginal hunting device is made of small branches built as a pyramid, connected with a simple but effective mechanism, in which when the animal gets into the trap and steps on a branch, the “Aripuca” closes automatically. The most singular feature of this trap is that it doesn’t hurt the animal so that the hunter can decide wether to let it free or keep it for food.

Even though the trees used are protected species or are in danger of extinction, none of them have been cut to create this building. They were all bought to local sawmills before they made furniture from them.

Open everyday from 8 AM to 6 PM.



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