List of countries that require a visa to enter Brazil:
For the countries listed below is essential to complete the Order Form for a Visa
- regardless of the type of passport and the purpose of the trip -, before departure from their home country.
They are:
Afganistán |
Eritrea |
Kazajistán |
Pakistán |
Antigua y Barbuda |
Estados Unidos |
Kenia |
Papua/Nueva Guinea |
Arabia Saudita |
Estonia |
Kirguisa |
República Democrática del Congo |
Argelia |
Etiopia |
Kuwait |
Ruanda |
Australia |
Gambia |
Laos |
Samoa Occidental |
Autoridad Palestina |
Gana |
Lesoto |
San Cristoval y Nevis |
Azerbaiján |
Georgia |
Letonia |
San Vicente y Granadinas |
Bahrein |
Granada |
Líbano |
Santa Lucia |
Bangladesh |
Guinea |
Liberia |
Sierra Leona |
Belarús |
Guinea Ecuatorial |
Libia |
Singapur |
Belice |
Haití |
Lituania |
Siria, Somalia |
Benin |
Indonesia |
Macao |
Sri Lanka |
Bosnia |
Irak |
Macedonia |
Suazilandia |
Botswana |
Irán |
Madagascar |
Sudán |
Brunei |
Islas Cook |
Malawi |
Tajikistán |
Burkina Faso |
Islas Fiji |
Malí |
Tanzania |
Burundi |
Islas Kiribati |
Malta |
Timor leste |
Camboya |
Islas Maldivas |
Mexico |
Togo |
Canadá |
Islas Marianas |
Micronesia |
Tonga |
Catar |
Islas Marshall |
Moldavia |
Turkmenistán |
Chad |
Islas Mauricio |
Mongolia |
Uganda |
Chipre |
Islas Salomón |
Myanmar/Birmania |
Uzbekistán |
Comores |
Islas Seychelles |
Nauru |
Vanuatu |
Congo |
Islas Tuvalu |
Nepal |
Yemen |
Corea del Norte |
Jamaica |
Nicaragua |
Yugoslavia/Servia y Montenegro |
Djibouti |
Japón |
Níger |
Zambia |
Dominica |
Jordania |
Nigeria |
Zimbabwe. |
Emiratos Árabes | Omán |
Who require international certificate of vaccination against yellow fever?
They need an international certificate of vaccination against yellow fever to enter Brazil all tourists who were in transit in the last three months or arriving from the following countries:
Angola |
Guinea-Bissau |
Benin |
Guayana Francesa |
Bolivia |
Liberia |
Burkina Faso |
Nigeria |
Camerún |
Perú |
Colombia |
República Democrática del Congo |
Ecuador |
Sierra Leona |
Gabón |
Sudán |
Gambia |
Venezuela |
Gana |
Zaire. |
The vaccine against yellow fever is also recommended to all Brazilians and foreign tourists visiting the following states of Brazil: Acre, Amazonas, Amapá, Federal District, Goiás, Maranhão, Mato Grosso do Sul, Pará, Rondônia, Roraima and Tocantins .
Remember: it is necessary to be vaccinated at least 10 days before travel.